PDF-Download Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico (Dialogos), by Camilla Townsend
PDF-Download Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico (Dialogos), by Camilla Townsend
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Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico (Dialogos), by Camilla Townsend

PDF-Download Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico (Dialogos), by Camilla Townsend
Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman In The Conquest Of Mexico (Dialogos), By Camilla Townsend . Die industrialisierte Innovation, heute alles , um die Bedürfnisse der Menschen aufrecht zu erhalten. Es umfasst die täglichen Aufgaben, Jobs, Büro, Unterhaltung, und auch vieles mehr. Unter ihnen ist die ausgezeichnete Netzverbindung sowie Computersystem. Dieses Problem werden Sie lindert unter Ihren Hobbys zu erhalten, die Überprüfung Routine. Also, haben Sie bereit , diese Veröffentlichung zu lesen Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman In The Conquest Of Mexico (Dialogos), By Camilla Townsend jetzt?
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"Beautifully written, deeply researched, and with an innovative focus, "Malintzin's Choices" will become a classic. Townsend deftly walks the fine line between historical documentation and informed speculation to rewrite the history of the conquest of Mexico. Weaving indigenous and Spanish sources the author not only provides contextual depth to understanding Malintzin's critical role as translator and cultural interpreter for Cortes, but in the process she illuminates the broader panorama of choices experienced by both indigenous and Spanish participants. This work not only provides revisionst grist for experts, but will become a required and a popular reading for undergraduates, whether in colonial surveys or in specialty courses."Beautifully written, deeply researched, and with an innovative focus, "Malintzins Choices" will become a classic. Townsend deftly walks the fine line between historical documentation and informed speculation to rewrite the history of the conquest of Mexico. Weaving indigenous and Spanish sources the author not only provides contextual depth to understanding Malintzins critical role as translator and cultural interpreter for Cortes, but in the process she illuminates the broader panorama of choices experienced by both indigenous and Spanish participants. This work not only provides revisionst grist for experts, but will become a required and a popular reading for undergraduates, whether in colonial surveys or in specialty courses.".,."an extensively researched and delightfully absorbing story."""Malintzin's Choices" is an engrossing and beautifully written story...""Townsend's use of indigenous documents brings Malintzin herself much more clearly into focus."""Malintzin's Choices" is the richest, fullest, most scholarly (hi)story about Malintzin to date.".,."an entertaining interpretation of the early contact period in central New Spain....innovative...".,."a fresh look at the endlessly debated figure..."Malintzin's Choices" is a fascinating, well-written work...""The author achieves her objective skillfully in this interesting, well-written book, without falling into the trip of overinterpretation.""Townsend uncovers the nuances and the complexities of Malintzin's life that previous research has ignored, making her book a valuable contribution to feminist and historical scholarship on Malintzin and Mexica social and political relations."
Malintzin was the indigenous woman who translated for Hernando Cortes in his dealings with the Aztec emperor Moctezuma in the days of 1519 to 1521. 'Malintzin', at least, was what the Indians called her. The Spanish called her dona Marina, and she has become known to posterity as La Malinche. As Malinche, she has long been regarded as a traitor to her people, a dangerously sexy, scheming woman who gave Cortes whatever he wanted out of her own self-interest. The life of the real woman, however, was much more complicated. She was sold into slavery as a child, and eventually given away to the Spanish as a concubine and cook. If she managed to make something more out of her life - and she did - it is difficult to say at what point she did wrong. In getting to know the trials and intricacies with which Malintzin's life was laced, we gain new respect for her steely courage, as well as for the bravery and quick thinking demonstrated by many other Native Americans in the earliest period of contact with Europeans.In this study of Malintzin's life, Camilla Townsend rejects all the previous myths and tries to restore dignity to the profoundly human men and women who lived and died in those days. Drawing on Spanish and Aztec language sources, she breathes new life into an old tale, and offers insights into the major issues of conquest and colonisation, including technology and violence, resistance and accommodation, gender and power.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: University of New Mexico Press (15. September 2006)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780826334053
ISBN-13: 978-0826334053
ASIN: 0826334059
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,2 x 2,5 x 22,2 cm
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 895.559 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I've been tracking down books about Malintzin/Malinalli/Malinche/Doña Marina (pick the name you prefer) for several years. Camilla Townsend's book is by far the most informative and well-researched one I've found. I can't recommend it too highly. If you buy only one book about this remarkable historical figure, this is the one to buy..
Excellent book, one I have been waiting for.
Good Stuff
please Salma Hayek make this boos a movie!!
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