Download Ebook Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil
Download Ebook Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil
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Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil

Download Ebook Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Gilles Beloeil currently works for Ubisoft in Canada and served as lead artist on the groundbreaking Assassin's Creed video game.Andrei Riabovitchev is a talented artist at NPC, London, who has worked on titles including the Harry Potter films and Clash of the TitansRoberto F Castro works at Atomhawk Design studio on projects such as Dead Island and the latest Mortal Kombat video game.3DTotal Publishing3DTotal was founded in 1999 as a simple 3D resource website. Over the last decade the site has evolved into one of the premier CG art websites in the world, offering a variety of training products, an inspirational gallery, a free texture library and hundreds of free tutorials on a variety of subjects.In 2006, 3DTotal entered into partnership with Focal Press and launched the popular book series Digital Art Masters and Digital Painting Techniques. The premise for these books was to provide high quality content that would inspire and educate the next generation of digital artists. Featuring the work of top industry professionals, detailed tutorials and image breakdowns, these series have become firmly established as indispensable resources for any digital artist.After five successful years working with Focal Press, 3DTotal Publishing was launched in early 2010. As well as self-publishing the next volumes in the pre-existing Digital Art Masters and Digital Painting Techniques series, 3DTotal Publishing has launched a number of new titles including: Photoshop for 3D Artists: Volume 1, Beginner’s Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop, ZBrush Character Creation and Elysium - The Art of Daarken.
Taschenbuch: 272 Seiten
Verlag: 3DTotal Publishing; Auflage: Box (3. September 2013)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 190941400X
ISBN-13: 978-1909414006
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
21,6 x 3,2 x 30,5 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 19.531 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Das Buch is richtig gut, der Pappschuber macht das ganze hochwärtiger da das Buch ein Softcover ist. Das Buch an sich deckt alle Gebiete der Kunst Grundlagen sehr gut ab, zwar Englisch aber sollte doch jeder können
Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil PDF
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Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil Doc
Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil iBooks
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Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil Mobipocket
Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth, by 3dtotal Publishing Gilles Beloeil Kindle